FBS, US Origin

MP Biomedicals

Fetal bovine serum: Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a common supplement used in cell culture media. It is derived from the blood of fetal cows and contains a variety of growth factors and nutrients that help cells grow and divide



CATEGORIESs: Cell Biology

Specifications & Description

SKU 0929167-CF
Alternate Names FBS
Application Notes FBS remains a popular media supplement because it provides a wide array of functions in cell culture. FBS delivers nutrients, growth and attachment factors and protects cells from oxidative damage and apoptosis by mechanisms that are difficult to reproduce in serum-free media (SFM) systems. It is typically used with the classical media. These include many popular media such as Minimum Essential Medium (MEM), Dulbecco′s Modified Eagles Media (DME, DMEM), Iscove′s Modified Eagles Medium (IMDM), M199 and Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium, RPMI-1640. Some of the major functions of serum are to provide growth factors, hormones, attachment and spreading factors, binding proteins, lipids, and minerals. FDA qualified for IVD applications.
Base Catalog Number 2916749
Concentration Protein 3.1 - 4.4 g/dL
Format Liquid
Formulation Details Liquid , Glucose 116 mg/dL Sodium 140 mEq/L BUNN 13 mg/dL Chloride 100 mEq/L Creatinine 2.4 mg/dL Uric Acid 3.2 mg/dL Calcium 11.9 mg/dL Phosphorus 8 mg/dL Albumin 2.6 g/dL Total Bilirubin 0.3 mg/dL Triglyceride 32 mg/dL Alkaline phosphatase 168 U/L AST (SGOT) 35 U/L LDH 585 U/L Cholesterol <40 mg/dL Triglycerides 0.43 mmol/L IgG Content <60 mg/L GGT 7 U/L Electrophoretic Pattern Normal Alpha1 3 g/L Alpha 2 11 g/L Beta 4 g/L Gamma 1 g/L , Liquid
pH 6.7 - 7.8
Sterility Sterile , Filtration through multiple .1 micron filters
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