CELLect fetal bovine serum, silver, Mexico origin

MP Biomedicals

Fetal bovine serum: Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a common supplement used in cell culture media. It is derived from the blood of fetal cows and contains a variety of growth factors and nutrients that help cells grow and divide



CATEGORIESs: Cell Biology

Specifications & Description

SKU 0929176-CF
Base Catalog Number 2916149
Concentration Protein 3.1 - 4.4 g/dL
Format Liquid
Formulation Details Liquid , Glucose 27.1 mg/dL; Sodium 138 mmol/L; Potassium 14.9 mmol/L; Chloride 96 mmol/L; B.U.N. 14.28 mg/dL; Creatinine 2.7 mg/dL; Uric Acid 1.3 mg/dL; Calcium 2.65 mmol/L; Phosphorus 2.7 mmol/dL; Albumin 2.65 g/dL; Total Bilirubin 0.16 mg/dL; ALT (SGPT) 2 IU/L; Alkaline phosphatase 274 IU/L; AST (SGOT) 18 IU/L; LDH 472 IU/L; Cholesterol 23.20 mg/dL; Triglycerides 17.40 mg/dL, Liquid
pH 6.7 - 7.8
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