Gel Documentation

Analytik Jena

A UV transilluminator is a device used in molecular biology laboratories to view DNA or RNA that has been separated by electrophoresis through an agarose gel. The stained gel is exposed to a UV light source, causing the DNA to fluoresce and become visible.

UV transilluminators are useful for viewing samples to size a PCR product, purify DNA segments after a restriction enzyme digest, quantify DNA, or verify RNA integrity after extraction.

VWR offers a range of UV transilluminators that provide high-intensity UV illumination in a compact housing 1. Analytik Jena’s UVP FirstLight® Illuminators have a unique design that provides extremely uniform UV illumination, which is critical for accurate quantitative analysis.

CATEGORIES: Life Sciences

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Catalog Number Product Name Action
849-97-0934-01 UVP GelSolo, M-20V Transilluminator(filtersize, wavelength) : 20 x 20 cm, 302 nm

Gel Documentation

Analytik Jena

A UV transilluminator is a device used in molecular biology laboratories to view DNA or RNA that has been separated by electrophoresis through an agarose gel. The stained gel is exposed to a UV light source, causing the DNA to fluoresce and become visible.

UV transilluminators are useful for viewing samples to size a PCR product, purify DNA segments after a restriction enzyme digest, quantify DNA, or verify RNA integrity after extraction.

VWR offers a range of UV transilluminators that provide high-intensity UV illumination in a compact housing 1. Analytik Jena’s UVP FirstLight® Illuminators have a unique design that provides extremely uniform UV illumination, which is critical for accurate quantitative analysis.

CATEGORIES: Life Sciences

Catalog Number Product Name
849-97-0934-01 UVP GelSolo, M-20V Transilluminator(filtersize, wavelength) : 20 x 20 cm, 302 nm
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